SmartSignage for Android support

Edit Screen

About the leaf

SmartSignage to switch the display from time to time that is designated as a slide show. We called the "leaf" the display screen of the switching the background and the objects. Leaf consists of objects that displayed superimposed on the background to be displayed to spread across the screen. In the editor, you may want to change the display order and add, edit or delete a leaf.

Set the background

Tap the "Select the background" tool,"Background content Properties" is displayed when you tap the "Edit object" tool.
You can choose from the following types of content that you want to use as the background here.
  • Image File
    It will launch the selected image application Gallery-like. And you can choose an image.

  • Camera
    It will launch the camera application. And you can take a photo. A photo will be selected as an image.

  • Blank(none)
    You do not specify the content. Select this if you want to a solid background.

  • Movie File
    It will launch the selected video application Gallery-like. And you can choose a video.
Content stretch, you choose how to apply background images and videos.
  • Fill
    Align the aspect of the magnitude of the deformation background to fit the size. It is (Crushed) or the display that extend vertically or horizontally when the aspect ratio of the images and videos and aspect ratio of the screen is different.

  • Uniform
    Match the size of the background based on the long side. Background color is displayed in the free part comes into left and right or top and bottom.

  • Uniform to fill
    Match the size of the background based on the short side. Part exceeding the left and right or top and bottom will not be displayed.

Specify the background color

Tap the "Select the background" tool, Screen to select the color will appear when you tap the "Select a color" tool. 
You can change the color by either select a color in the palette, to slide the slider of RGB. Red, G is green, R means the blue B. A slider can be used to mean the alpha value and set the transparency. 
You can also in the field of color, to be directly entered in hexadecimal. 
In the background, you will color the blank area, or if you specify blank (none), when you specify the image, you specify the "Uniform", the expansion and contraction of the content is specified here.

Moving, scaling the background

It is possible to easily edit the object, and to scale or to move the entire background.
Tap the "Select the background" tool, and then select the background state. Entire Drag and move. You can pinch zoom.
When you tap the "Show/Hide moving buttons" tool, you can also move tool is displayed, to perform the movement and scaling at the tap of a button. 
Movement and scaling of here will not be reflected in the display in the actual viewer.

Lock the background

By locking the background, can be used to prevent or to zoom or move the background carelessly. 
You to select it by tapping the background. In the menu on the action bar you tap the "lock". Lock icon appears at the top center of the background, the background is locked.
When you release the lock, to select it by tapping the background, and in the menu on the action bar you will tap the "unlock". The lock is released, lock icon in the background the middle of the line at the top disappears.

Reset the position and size of the background

You may get some repeat the scale or move the background, it will not see the whole. In that case, it is the size and position of the initial state can see the whole thing when you tap the tool "reset the background position".

Add the leaf to the sequence

If the sequence of the bottom is not visible, To display the sequence by tapping the "^". If the square with the center to "+" does not appear, and so it appears to flick to the left. When you tap the square, you will be selected new leaf is added, it is displayed on the screen.

Change the display order of the leaves

If the sequence of the bottom is not visible, To display the sequence by tapping the "^". Press and hold the square of the leaf you want to change the order in the sequence. The action bar changes to the contextual action bar. You tap the "Move the leaf" in the contextual action bar. Icon that indicates the insertion point in the sequence is displayed. Of position you want to move you will move the leaf that is selected by tapping the icon.

Delete the leaf

If the sequence of the bottom is not visible, To display the sequence by tapping the "^". Press and hold the square of the leaf you want to change the order in the sequence. The action bar changes to the contextual action bar. You tap "Delete leaf" in the contextual action bar . "Confirm Deletion" is displayed, you tap "Yes".

About the object

It is possible to overlay images and text on top of the background in SmartSignage. These text and images is called the "object". Objects are classified as "image object" and "text objects". 
You can specify an image to image objects. You can also be used as an image photos taken by selecting the camera to specify at the time. Image objects can also specify "blank (none)", and is an object of the rectangle that was painted in a single color in that case. You can use, such as cellophane translucent it is possible to specify an alpha value for the color. By selecting the method of scaling, you can also create a rectangle of vertical and horizontal. 
Text object is the object to be presented to enter the character. Background color is always transparent character objects. It is also possible to specify an alpha value in the color of the character. 
Objects can be moved by drag and can be resized by pinch zoom. Movement of the object different from the background, you can change the display position of the actual. Scaling of the object is different from the background, it means a change in size.

Add the image object

You tap "Add image object" tool. You then tap where you want to display in the background. "Choose a image for the image object" screen appears, I will select one of the following.
  • Image File
    It will launch the selected image application Gallery-like. And you can choose an image.

  • Camera
    It will launch the camera application. And you can take a photo. A photo will be selected as an image.

  • Blank(none)
    You do not specify the content. Select this if you want to a solid background.

Edit the image object

Tap the image object, "Image object content property" is displayed when you tap "Edit object" tool. You can choose from the following types of content that you want to use as the image object here.
  • Image File
    It will launch the selected image application Gallery-like. And you can choose an image.

  • Camera
    It will launch the camera application. And you can take a photo. A photo will be selected as an image.

  • Blank(none)
    You do not specify the content. Select this if you want to a solid background.

Content stretch, you choose how to apply background images and videos.。
  • Fill
    Align the aspect of the magnitude of the deformation background to fit the size. It is (Crushed) or the display that extend vertically or horizontally when the aspect ratio of the images and videos and aspect ratio of the screen is different.

  • Uniform
    Match the size of the background based on the long side. Background color is displayed in the free part comes into left and right or top and bottom.

  • Uniform to fill
    Match the size of the background based on the short side. Part exceeding the left and right or top and bottom will not be displayed.

Add the text object

You tap "Add Text object" tool. You then tap where you want to display in the background. Since changes to the screen where you can enter the text, enter the text.

Edit the text object

You to select it by tapping the text object. If you tap "Edit object" tool, it will change to the screen where you can edit the text, and then edit the text.

Change a color of the object

You can change the text color in the text object or the background color in the image object.
You to select it by tapping the object. When you tap the tool "select a color", the screen to select the color appears. You can change the color by either select a color in the palette, to slide the slider of RGB. "R" is Red, "G" is green, "B" means blue. "A" slider can be used to mean the alpha value and set the transparency. You can also in the field of color, to be directly entered in hexadecimal. The case of an image object, and if not, blank(none), specify the image, specify the "Uniform", the expansion and contraction of the content, the blank space when they are enlarged or reduced to only horizontal or vertical direction It is the color that you specify here.

Move the object

You to select it by tapping the object for which you want to change the position. You will move in drag. You can make a move when you use the Move tool that appears when you tap the tool "show or hide the navigation buttons". Position will modify an object that has moved.

Scale the object

You to select it by tapping the object for which you want to change the size. You resize the object by pinch in-out. You can be fixed vertically or horizontally scaling in the case of image objects. When you tap the "Scale" tool, you can select one of the "Both", "Horizontal", "vertical". The initial value is "both". You can do the scaling You can also use the Move tool that appears when you tap the tool "show or hide the navigation buttons". Size will modify an object that is scaled. The size of the characters are changed for text objects.

Delete the object

You to select it by tapping the object that you want to delete. You will tap the "Delete" tool. Because there is not it, to confirm the deletion, when you delete by mistake, please return "undo" feature.

Lock the object

By locking the object can be prevented that it would change the size and position inadvertently. You to select it by tapping the object you want to lock. In the menu on the action bar you tap the "lock". In the upper right corner of the object Object is locked lock icon appears. When you unlock it, to select it by tapping the object, and in the menu on the action bar you will tap the "unlock". The lock is released lock icon in the upper right object disappears.

Change the stacking order of the objects

You to select it by tapping the object for which you want to change the stacking order. In the menu on the action bar, you tap "Bring to Front" or "Bring to Back".

Copy and paste the object

You to select it by tapping the object that you want to copy. In the menu on the action bar you tap the "copy". Tap the location where you want to paste. (This will be the upper left corner of the object.) In the menu on the action bar then you tap "Paste".

Undo and redo

The menu in the action bar You can return to the state of one operation before when you tap the "Undo". When you tap the "Redo", you may want to start over after the operation from the state back in "undo". You can "undo" it back up to 10 pre-operation at the maximum. Undo history is discarded screen is rotated.